Church of the gnostic vine

Ayahuasca is the vine of the soul which allows communication with your inner spirit world

Ayahuasca is the vine of the soul which allows communication with your inner spirit world

Shamanic Understanding:

"What is fascinating to consider is how these early shamans figured out that a potent brew could best be made from these two ingredients being mixed together."


Ayahuasca Guidelines and Meditation Diet (pdf)

2009 Santo Daime Ruling

2009 Oregon Ruling Ayahuasca

2006 Salvia and Rue

2006 Phalaris Grasses

2004 Ayahuasca Upheld

Terence mckenna videos on ayahausca

ayahuasca on the internet

Do a Shopping Goggle search on "ayahuasca" and you will find hundreds of businesses involved in the trade. I have no personal experience on such and I do not necessarily think buying over the internet is the safest thing to do, nonetheless I think with careful research one could find product that one felt secure enough in to brew up a batch. The price certainly has only come down over the years and the raw ingredients are not on any government's radar.

Where the road goes

The Church of the Gnostic Vine hopes to educate you to be an honest person, a genuiine person, not a fake. The gnostic meditation is the main vehicle to accomplish that and the Vine encourages the gnostic experience so we can do things without deception. After imbibing just let the breathe flow. The basic concept of joining heaven and earth is that you are there fully, personally, genuinely.

The many, many varieties of mystical gnostic experience reflect a variety of psychological processes - our selves experience unions and visions, and are not to be interpreted at face value as though they were extra-sensory perceptions of objectively existing spiritual quiddities. We are The One. Revelation happens.